Economic Impacts
We aim to become a truly circular business
Oleter Group's business model is centered on preserving the environment while offering maintenance plans and preventive measures to avoid and prevent future damage. Sustainability and risk management are at the core of our business, and our ultimate goal is to become a circular and resistant company in the EU.
Our approach to managing and scaling the business involves good leadership and local business acumen, which creates job opportunities all over the countries we operate in. We provide safe workplaces and opportunities for employees to improve their living standards while working systematically with environmental impacts that affect us as a business and society in general.
As a claims service provider in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark, our operations cover a wide geographical area, and our customers mainly consist of real estate and insurance companies but also facility management companies and construction companies. Our business is heavily influenced by how these companies choose to handle and regulate damages that have occurred along with service work.
In many cases, we get to clean and dehumidify damaged materials, which is a resource-efficient way of working. However, the trend in the last 20 years has shown that fully functional materials that could have been restored are settled and discarded, resulting in unnecessary environmental and cost burdens for all parties involved.
Creating jobs for the future
Oleter Group employs around 2,200 employees, creating local jobs and tax revenue in the countries in which we operate. We procure subcontractors locally and regionally to ensure a high level of service and competitiveness, which also contributes to increased job opportunities.
However, if insurance companies encourage an increase in the proportion of cash settlement or if property companies choose to demolish and build new instead of renovating/dehumidifying, this could lead to increased climate pressure, job opportunities disappearing in whole or in part, and business partners losing out on job opportunities, which could ultimately lead to local bankruptcies and workers losing their jobs.
Our work is about minimizing and reducing the negative climate impact through our mission "Save values", i.e. preserve and restore existing values in buildings and fixtures. In this way, we manage and reduce the financial risks in the business, take social responsibility for our co-workers and injured parties, and contribute to a circular society with a reduced need to produce new materials and new components.
At Oleter Group, we are committed to promoting sustainability and risk management in our core business as well as ensuring that our operations create positive social and economic impacts while minimizing our environmental footprint.
See more of our economic performance in our financial report:
Climate change and business
As a company that handles damages and restorations, we have a great responsibility to prevent damage from occurring and to minimize resource losses when restoring damages.
One of the ways we aim to make our business resilient is by utilizing existing resources. This approach not only minimizes environmental impact but also enables our employees to apply the right work methods and simplifies the decision-making process for our customers.
However, the risk of not pursuing resource-efficient services means that society may miss out on environmental savings, leading to increased extraction of raw materials and contributing to global warming.
The lack of resource efficiency may also lead to an increased financial burden on society due to rising greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, we prioritize sustainability and natural development through a systematic environmental and stakeholder analysis to manage risks and opportunities.
Our R&D projects are budgeted annually to strengthen our competitiveness. Through these initiatives, we aim to enable a circular economy that reaches profitability targets without increasing the climate burden. By focusing on these strategies, we can ensure that our operations have a positive impact on the environment, our customers, and society as a whole.
Read more about our business & sustainability strategy:
More about our Sustainability Work