Health and Wellness
Wellness for every worker
Ensuring safety and health in the workplace is of utmost importance for our company, particularly given our involvement in physically demanding industries. As such, we have implemented work environment policies, security protocols, routines, and guidelines that clearly define inputs to minimize the risk of work-related illness.
As part of our zero-vision approach to severe work-related injuries, we prioritize proactive measures and regularly update our crisis preparations to ensure that we remain abreast of potential risks.
However, we recognize that employee wellness encompasses more than just physical health. We believe that every employee has the right to fair and equitable treatment, and we strive to create a workplace environment that fosters positive attitudes and a sense of well-being among all staff.
2024 Target
Strive to have a secure workplace with zero injuries and zero vision for severe injuries.
Sickness absence lower than 5%
Occupational injury frequency/LTIF lower than 5,0
Rehabilitation policy
If coworkers happen to get injured or sick at work, we have rehabilitation policies that describe how to handle it in the best way. To avoid illness or injuries altogether we provide regular checkups. For mental health and well-being, we have employee surveys, extensive check-ins, and support for employees in need provided together with occupational health care. Through occupational health care, we also have access to experts who can give us advice, education, and crisis counseling.
Preventative actions against addiction
We have a strict alcohol and drug policy that our employees are educated in yearly. Substance abuse prevention is at the heart of Oleter Group's approach to occupational safety and security. Consequently, we implement and support tests for drugs and alcohol among our employees, enabling us to put positive measures in place for those who display indications of dependency and aiding treatment as needed. We take great responsibility to assist employees who are at risk or in need of treatment.
Check-ins for well being
We have annual employee meetings in which we monitor and evaluate employee well-being and performance, and set goals for the future with guidelines on how these should be reached. We conduct employee surveys twice a year and use the results to create action plans for improvement.
Actions on Health and Wellness
Medical check-ups
Our medical check-ups are a preventative measure aimed at minimizing the risk of injuries and ensuring that employees are not assigned tasks that may be too risky for them. It also helps identify any health issues that may affect their ability to work.
Competence development
We are committed to continuous training and competence development, which is outlined in our competence matrix. For example, we provide authorization training to ensure that employees have the required authorization to perform their tasks.
We offer leadership training to our managers to strengthen their leadership skills, which is essential for creating a positive work environment for employees.
We provide specialized training for employees in jobs that involve high risks, such as handling asbestos, fall protection, mobile work platforms, and hot work. In addition, we provide basic work environment training to all employees and ensure that they are familiar with our policies and event reporting procedures.
“We track and assess occupational injury frequency by monitoring the number of reported accidents, incidents, and risk observations. Additionally, we conduct routine employee surveys to monitor occupational health and safety, as well as measure employee engagement, leadership index, and health/well-being. Our preventive medical checks at occupational health care also include tracking staff turnover. In order to gauge employee wellness, we track sickness absence and staff turnover. Furthermore, we evaluate the effectiveness of our educational programs.”
High risk working environment
Our employees work in a high-risk environment that requires protective equipment and careful work preparations. We are often on the road and work in people's homes, which in some cases may pose risks of threats of violence. Risk management is therefore extremely important, as everyone needs to feel safe at work.
We have routines for how to handle situations involving threats of violence.
We work closely with occupational health care to prevent illnesses.
We carry out regular preventive check-ups in accordance with legislation. By carrying out regular checks, we can detect any negative impacts at an early stage and implement early measures.
We carry out exposure measurements to evaluate which jobs are the most risky in the long term.
Hazard Identification
We have implemented various measures to ensure safety and security in our organization, which include incident reporting, risk assessment, security patrols, surveys, and employee interviews. Our incident reporting system allows employees to report accidents, incidents, risk assessments, and deviations through a mobile app. This enables us to promptly address any safety concerns and take necessary actions to prevent future incidents.
Hazard identification has helped us get our health and safety actions in place together with guidelines from The Swedish Work Environment Authority.
If an injury occurs, we have a support organization that helps managers with the investigation to ensure that the right actions are put in place. We also have specific routines for reporting and injury management.
Injury prevention
In terms of injury data, unfortunately, we had 38 incidents in 2022, which amounts to 1 per 1,000,000 worked hours with at least one day's absence across the organization. The most common injuries were cuts, falls, and strain injuries. In 2022, we gained insight into the common causes of these injuries and began reporting them. As a result, we are now taking action at the management level to measure and follow up on these incidents. Our goal is to create a special action plan with measures to prevent further injuries from occurring. To help us analyze the root cause of accidents and incidents, our Quality and Environmental Coordinator is providing assistance, and education and training are crucial parts of our action plan. In addition, we are prioritizing the creation of a safety culture and increasing risk awareness in 2023.
We aim to foster a safe and pleasant working environment for all and to achieve this, we are working with employees to encourage them to report deviations, use protective equipment, and contribute to creating a safe workplace. To measure our progress, we are conducting employee interviews and surveys. Although we don't have injury data on workers who are not employed by us, we take responsibility for everyone working with us and ensure that they have a safe and pleasant working environment. Lastly, there were no fatalities in 2022 among either employees or consultants.
We do not have any metrics other than accident statistics. We measure long- and short-term absences and provide interventions such as health talks for employees with repeated short-term absences.
Employees can report injuries and insecure situations via our reporting system. If they wish to report anonymously, they can use the whistleblowing function. This way, they are protected against reprisals. In the event of an injury, we have a crisis plan in place, and everyone is entitled to help and care in case of a crisis. Additionally, everyone is entitled to decline a job if they feel unsafe, especially if there are threats of violence.
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