Climate Data
Total Energy Consumption
Total Energy Consumption | Per Type
Purchased Electricity | All Markets
Purchased Electricity | Denmark
Purchased Electricity | Norway
Purchased Electricity | Sweden
Purchased Heating | All Markets
Total Fuel Consumption
Fuel Consumption | Non-renewable sources
Fuel Consumption | Renewable sources
Electricity Consumption
GHG Emissions
Direct (Scope 1) GHG Emissions
Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions
Indirect (Scope 3) Emissions
All greenhouse gases included in the Kyoto Protocol (CO2 , CH4 , N2 O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6 , NF3) are included in the GHG accounting & reporting. [305-1-b] / [305-2-b] / [305-3-b]
Base year for GHG accounting & reporting, as well as for SBT is 2020, with a pending response from SBT regarding moving / rolling base year, as most data from acquired companies can’t be located. All calculations has been re-calculated from previous years to exclude divested entities, and include acquired companies. [305-1-d] / [305-2-d] / [305-3-d]
Operational control is used as consolidation approach for emissions [305-1-f] / [305-2-f]
Emissions Intensity
GHG Emissions Intensity
The denominator used for the GHG Emissions Intensity KPI is kg CO₂e / project. [305-4-b]
Direct (Scope 1) emissions, Energy indirect (Scope 2) emissions, and other indirect (Scope 3) emissions are included in the Emissions Intensity KPI. The scope of each article building up the emissions in projects differs. In all cases where cradle-to-gate emissions has been identified it is included. In all cases fuel is included, the full lifecycle emissions of the fuel (WTW) is used. [305-5-c]
All greenhouse gases included in the Kyoto Protocol (CO2 , CH4 , N2 O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6 , NF3) are included in the GHG accounting & reporting. [305-4-d]
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