Science Based Targets
What are Science Based targets?
Science Based Targets are targets that are set to be in line with the Paris Agreement and follow the latest climate science to limit global warming to 1.5°C.
Science Based targets provide clearly defined pathways for companies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, helping prevent the worst impacts of climate change and future-proof business growth.
Our Targets
Oleter Group commits to reduce absolute scope 1, 2, and 3 GHG emissions by 63% by 2030 from a 2020 base year*. Oleter Group commits to increasing the annual sourcing of renewable electricity from 78% in 2020 to 100% by 2023. Oleter Group also commits that 50% of its suppliers by spend will have SBTs by 2025.
*The target boundary includes biogenic emissions and removals from bioenergy feedstocks.
Supplier Engagement
We have committed to limiting global warming to 1.5℃ by 2030 through SBTi, the Science Based Targets initiative. Our commitment means reducing emissions by 63% by 2030 compared to 2020. It is one of the highest goals globally and requires us to undertake ambitious efforts to reduce our climate impact in our operations.
To achieve our high goals, we need to work together with both customers and suppliers as 88% of our climate impact occurs within scope 3.* This spring, we have mapped parts of our supply chain to analyze which actors have the same climate ambitions as us.
By 2026, our goal is for 40% of purchased products and services to come from suppliers who have set an SBTi goal. It is crucial for us to reach the long-term goal by 2030. Our business relies on well-functioning supplier collaborations where we jointly take responsibility for the climate transition. Our goals will affect current and future collaborations where we focus on long-term sustainable development.
In the mapping that has begun this spring, we see that 19% of the suppliers surveyed have set an SBTi goal and that 30% have calculated their emissions at least once in the past three years. Each supplier's emissions calculations contribute to us getting a more accurate compilation when we make our calculations for scope 3. We also see in the responses that the majority of those surveyed have environmental and climate ambitions, which is pleasing.
Our progress
In order for the SBTs to be comprehensible, it is necessary to ensure consistency in the reporting. Oleter Group has experienced both acquisitions and divestments since the base year was set, so in accordance with the principles of the GHG protocol, this has been adjusted. The divested parts of the group have been retroactively removed from the reporting, but as there has been limited historical data available for the acquired companies, their reporting is done in parallel with the original Group. This is presented by country, as the original group covers the Swedish market, and the major acquisitions cover the Norwegian and Danish markets respectively.
Read the Climate Report 2022 for full details on our progress:
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